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How to Test your Alarm System


1. Make sure that you are at home and call our office at (972) 612-0938 with your password on hand to verify your account.

2. Let everyone in the house know that you are about to test the system and that the siren will sound.

3. Secure all doors and windows from the inside of the house. Pretend you are about to leave and want the house secure.

4. Set your alarm using your unique four digit code.

5. Test each sensor. Go throughout the house opening every door, and window and walking past the motion sensors. The alarm will sound at the first trigger, just continue to test each senor.

6. When you have tested all the sensors, use your 4 digit code to turn off the alarm. To clear the memory light, arm and then disarm the panel again.

7. Call us back at the office to verify all signals have been received and to put your account back online.



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